Posted May 28 ’10

My book tour has been a great success.  I have met wonderful people and received warm receptions in every city.  I started in LA at The William Turner Gallery on May 15.  We had a huge crowd and Book Soup sold out of books.  That’s a dream come true for me.

In San Francisco, I got to do a radio interview with one of my favorite new novelists Tony DuShane (Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk).  He’s so smart and funny.  I had a fantastic turnout at Booksmith—lots of tequila so the discussion was lively.  I got to do a radio interview in Pescadero where we talked about migrant issues relating to my book and the surrounding area. At M is for Mystery I got to know owner Ed Kaufman and found that we had many things and people in common.

Portland was fantastic.  I started the day at KBOO radio where I got to do an interview with Lisa Loving.  I had a great afternoon in conversation with Jeff Baker from the Oregonian.  He wrote an amazing article.  Then I got to read at Powell’s on Hawthorne.  I love Portland.  I love the people who turned up at Powell’s.  If you guys are reading this—I love you.  You were all so supportive and I enjoyed the conversation so much.  Some of the people who came brought me gifts.  Can I just tell you—writers LOVE to get gifts.  It makes us feel so important.  Thank you Portland.

Finally I came back and got to do a reading at Diesel Malibu.  Diesel is my home base.  Owners John Evans and Alison Reid have been my support team and provided my reference library.  They are so smart.  It’s an honor to call them friends.  We had a wonderful turnout and I got to talk about “Old Malibu”.  Yesterday I did the fabulous “Connie Martinson Talks Books” show.  It’s the second time I’ve been on Connie’s show and I loved it.  And then I ended the day with the news that I’ve made the L.A. Times Bestseller list—debuting at #9.  Talk about a gift from the gods.

I have a reading this weekend in Joshua Tree at the Red Arrow Gallery with my friend Rob Roberge and then on June 10th I’ll be in NYC reading at the Happy Ending Bar with Arthur Nersessian.

How did I get so lucky?  Why did all this happen for me?  Aside from the fact that I have the best publisher in the world—Overlook Press—I can offer you two words: Tyson Cornell.  Tyson Cornell and Rare Bird Lit are responsible for all this success.  He is smart and talented and I am so fortunate that he agreed to handle the publicity for Point Dume.  He has changed my life.  I’ll never be able to thank you enough, Tyson.  But this is a start.