Posted July 20 ’11

There is always a movie in the back of my mind.  Sometimes I’m the star but usually it is my characters that drive the film forward.  The damn thing plays around the clock.  Even when a book is done, and the narrative supposedly concluded, those people go on living in my head because really, there is no such thing as an ending.  Even when you die, the story goes on.

To start again, you’ve got to light the fire.  Venture out into the unknown and find the materials you need to burn.  That can be a dangerous job because you never know what lurks in the dark corners.  Even if it’s not dangerous you can pretend that it is which will lend a sense of urgency and importance to the task.  I always carry a weapon or two in the early stages of my novels.

Once you’ve got your raw material, and you’ve dragged it back to your camp, you have to break it down.  Chainsaws are good. Stack the chunks around your pit.  They’re nicely sculptural, aren’t they?  But you’re a writer, not a sculptor.  Get out your axe and your knives.  Cut them up into small, burnable pieces; shave off some kindling.  Your spark is a delicate thing and it’s hard to ignite that flame.  Kindling is key.

Shelter your flame from the wind then light the dry twigs and branches of your idea.  Blow gently.  Now stand back and marvel as your fire ignites and burns on it’s own.  Enjoy the warmth.  Your story is on the way to being told.

Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade